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Earn money from home with a laser cutter

A laser cutter is a modern tool that can be used to cut or engrave materials (e.g. paper, wood, felt, acrylic) using lasers. With a laser engraving machine you can personalize numerous products. With individual lettering or logos, this creates truly unique pieces. For many people, laser engraving is a hobby. Others also use the modern device to make money from home. In this article you will find out why this business model is attractive, how a laser cutter works, how you can make money with this art and what safety measures you need to take into account.

Mega trend individualization

Earn money from home with customization

Personalized products are trending. Many people want individual furniture, items and accessories. This pronounced need among consumers has led to completely new professional perspectives emerging. With a laser cutter you can earn money from home and at the same time create real added value for your customers. Significantly higher sales revenue can be achieved with individualized products than with off-the-shelf items.

Structure and functionality of a laser cutter

A laser cutter converts models into real objects. How does this machine work? We explain this to you in more detail in our blog article “ How does a laser work? “.

Accessories for using a laser cutter

A laser cutter alone is not enough to earn money from home. For a professional work environment, you also need some accessories. The high-quality laser accessories from Mr Beam make your cutting work easier and minimize the risk of the laser engraving machine or a workpiece being damaged. The Mr Beam Welcome Box[x] contains everything you need if you want to try out the range of possibilities with the laser cutter. Among other things, it contains the craft box with poplar plywood panels in 16 colors and other natural plywood panels in various sizes. In addition, you can expand your product portfolio again with the Mr Beam Height Extension, as you can now also personalize taller items.

Mr Beam Height Extension & Cutting Frame

Regular price € 279,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 279,00 EUR
Offer Sold out

Mr Beam II dreamcut [x] & Air Filter II System Bundle

Regular price € 3.799,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 3.799,00 EUR
Offer Sold out

Mr Beam Welcome Bo[x]

Regular price € 129,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 129,00 EUR
Offer Sold out


Laser classes to ensure safety

Laser cutter services

Some lasers have the potential to cause serious injury to the eyes or skin. The risk of fire must also be taken seriously. Therefore, strict guidelines apply. When choosing your laser cutter, you should definitely take this into account in advance. Especially with a cheap “ China Laser ” there can be some dangers that you are not aware of in advance. The laser systems are assigned to different laser classes depending on their risk level . Laser class 1 is considered eye-safe in all applications, even if the device is used for a long period of time. Most of these eye-safe lasers have a low output power. But there are exceptions. Mr Beam is one of the powerful laser devices. Nevertheless, Mr Beam is classified in laser class 1. The reason for this is various implemented protection mechanisms. Thanks to our specially made safety cover, you can, for example, watch the laser laser the whole time without safety glasses.

Sales price of individualized products

The sales value of a product processed with a laser cutter is often many times higher than the original product. Depending on the item, quality and creativity, an increase in sales value of 5 to 10 times is quite realistic. For example, a ballpoint pen with a purchase price of 1.50 euros can often be sold for 15 euros after individualized laser engraving. This calculation shows that you can earn a lot of money from home with a laser cutter and the corresponding reputation. The price calculation is definitely crucial for your business in order to be economically successful in the long term.

Make a personal gift with the laser cutter

Earn money from home with personalization

Products processed with a laser cutter are ideal for giving as gifts. A personal dedication expresses special appreciation. The person receiving the gift will definitely recognize that the gift was made individually and with love. With the laser cutter you can turn ordinary products into something unique. Personalized gifts are a very good way to build your own business.

Companies have a need for individualized products

Companies will also be part of your customer base if you decide to earn money from home with a laser cutter. Because business owners and freelancers have long recognized the trend of individualization. The products in demand include personalized signs, stamps, medals, trophies and signs as well as contract engraving of components. With a laser cutter you can cut materials that are needed for corporate identity or advertising materials . Popular promotional items include ballpoint pens, key chains, bottle openers and cup sleeves. All of these products delight your customers and the people they give gifts to.

Specialization brings economic benefits

Many laser engraving enthusiasts first build a diverse portfolio to find out which items they can use to make money from home. Later, it may make sense to specialize in certain products or materials. When making this decision, you should analyze the market: Are you the only provider in your region? Are there already specialists and, if so, for which products? Specialization usually leads to an improved business balance. You will process orders faster if the applications are similar. You will also quickly build up experience in your area of ​​focus. Then it will be easier to make a name for yourself in the region. With a laser cutter you can also produce larger series economically. With stencils, a higher number of pieces can be produced per operation. The output is maximized; by adapting the template to the processing surface of the laser device, you can achieve an increase in production yield.

Develop your own designs and patterns

If you decide to make money from home with a laser cutter, it doesn't mean that you only do contract work. It is also possible to develop your own laser templates for sale. Many consumers like to be inspired by a collection of samples and then choose their favorite motif from numerous colors and shapes. You can create just about any design if you decide to make money from home using a laser cutter. If you have mastered this creative craft and have established numerous business relationships, you will definitely find buyers for the items you create.

Offer laser engraving services

Anyone who processes products with a laser cutter has a lot of insider knowledge. Therefore, it is possible to offer various services related to laser engraving. For example, you can conduct training courses or advise people who also want to earn money from home with a laser cutter.

Wide range of suitable products

Engraved denim jacket

Which products are suitable if you have decided to earn money from home with a laser cutter? Numerous goods are significantly enhanced through individualized processing. These include, among others

  • Clothing items such as denim jackets
  • trinket
  • Picture Frame
  • Books
  • Wooden lamps
  • Wooden caskets
  • Ballpoint pen
  • Keychain
  • and much more!

Suitable materials

Non-contact material processing with the laser beam is efficient, precise and cost-effective. A wide variety of materials are suitable for laser engraving. If you want to earn money from home with this art, you have an extensive selection. The right materials for the production of creative individual pieces include:

Good time management is required

If you want to make money from home with a laser cutter, you need good time management. When planning time, it is important to consider all tasks (e.g. marketing, acquisition, design, manufacturing, communication with customers, sales, accounting). You have to cover various costs from your sales proceeds. A significant cost item is your labor. You should therefore estimate your effort for the orders as accurately as possible . In the laser processing industry it is common practice to estimate the work value at one euro per minute. You should realistically calculate your effort into your sales prices.

Legal framework

If you want to make money from home with a laser cutter, you should definitely avoid copyright infringement. Copyright protects personal intellectual property. Anyone who has created a work can therefore dispose of their own creative achievement. Third parties are not authorized to publish or reproduce the work. If you use the ideas of designers or illustrators, you need the express permission of the intellectual creator. Otherwise you may not use the product. You should definitely take the risk of violating copyrights seriously. Otherwise there is a risk of significant claims for damages. In principle, all illustrations and graphics published on the Internet are protected.

Registration of a business

In principle, anyone who carries out an activity permanently, independently and on their own account and intends to make a profit must register a business . Before starting work, it is necessary to apply for a trade license. You have to pay trade tax if your sales exceed the tax-free amount. This amount is currently 24,500 euros per year. You can register a side business if you have a full-time job that forms your professional focus. Your employer's permission may be required.

Protective measures when using the laser cutter

Air filter laser cutter

If you want to make money from home with a laser cutter, you should definitely follow the safety regulations and thus minimize the risk of injuring yourself or others. Protective equipment includes, in particular, appropriate safety glasses if the laser cutter does not belong to laser class 1. You should set up the laser cutter in a well-ventilated room or connect it to a suitable air filter, such as our Mr Beam Air Filter System. This ensures that the gases and smoke produced during engraving or cutting are reliably dissipated. When using the laser machine, pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions! It is also important that you clean the laser cutter regularly.

Earn money from home with a laser cutter - success stories

Earn money from home part-time

Many success stories have already developed from the idea of ​​producing individualized products from home. One of the well-known founders in this creative profession is Klaus Zimmermann. One day he discovered paper maps on the Internet. This was followed by a flash of inspiration: “I would like to have something like that where I live!” But the shipping costs for a delivery from the USA seemed far too high. So he took matters into his own hands. He carried out his first project with a scalpel and watercolor paper. Now he was determined to turn his passion into a job and earn money from home with a laser cutter. He founded the manufactory “StadtLandCut” and became self-employed part-time. Artworks and card cuts are made individually there. The specialist for individual design cards is now known nationwide.

Conclusion: You can earn money from home with the laser cutter

Sample products

With individuality and attention to detail, you can process and enhance a wide variety of products and works of art using lasers. Products with a name, logo or personal dedication are extremely popular. Many end consumers are willing to pay higher prices for goods with a personal touch. Individual laser engraving often increases the selling price many times over. With a professional laser cutter, the right accessories and a lot of creativity, you can soon be earning money from home.

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Mit unserem Mr Beam Lasercutter ist kein Laserschutzbeauftragter nötig. Der Mr Beam gehört der Laserklasse 1 an. So ist eine sichere Anwendung jederzeit beim Lasern gewährleistet. Der orangene Schutzdeckel gibt dir die Möglichkeit, ohne Laserschutzbrille während des Laserns zuzuschauen. Zusätzlich ist der Lasercutter mit einer smarten Sofort-Stopp-Funktion ausgestattet, sobald der Deckel geöffnet wird, stoppt der Laserjob. – Wir leben Laser-Sicherheit.

Die Bedienung des Mr Beams ist ebenfalls sehr leicht. Für sehr viele Materialien haben wir optimale Laserparameter in unserer BeamOS Software vordefiniert. Ziehe deine Laserdatei einfach in den Arbeitsbereich, lege dein Werkstück in den Mr Beam und lasere los. In unserer Wissensdatenbank kannst du alles Wichtige auch jederzeit nachlesen.

Solltest du noch mehr Fragen haben, kannst du gerne einen Demo-Termin buchen oder dich über unser Kontakt Formular bei uns melden.


Was ist mit Auflagen für Gewerbe? Lehrgang? Laserschutzbeauftragte?


Ich habe selbst einen Lasercutter und nutze ihn, um verschiedene Dinge zu fertigen. Ich habe zum Beispiel schon personalisierte Geschenke für Freunde und Familie hergestellt, wie zum Beispiel Tassen mit Namen oder Holzschilder mit Gravuren. Ich habe auch schon Werbematerialien für kleine Unternehmen gedruckt.

Ich finde es toll, dass man mit einem Lasercutter so viele verschiedene Dinge herstellen kann. Es ist eine kreative und lohnende Beschäftigung.

Ein paar Tipps aus eigener Erfahrung habe ich auch noch:

- Sehr wichtig ist, dass man sich mit dem Umgang mit einem Lasercutter vertraut macht. Es gibt einige Sicherheitsregeln, die man beachten muss.
- Zuerst sollte man sich überlegen, welche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen man anbieten möchte. Es gibt viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten, mit einem Lasercutter Geld zu verdienen.
- Einen passenden Markt für seine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen suchen. Das kann über soziale Medien, Online-Marktplätze oder auch über lokale Geschäfte erfolgen.

Karsten Neuberger

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