Frühlingsdeko basteln mit Kindern

Spring decorations with children - Your colourful bird house

A short foreword

Hey, I'm Rina. You will reading guest contributions from me again and again. That's why I imagine briefly:

I am a Creative, writing crazy and technical affine mom of two girls.

In 2019, a plotter moved with us and with him a small craft room full of foils, paper and what else you need to be creative. The newest family member is the Mr Beam - And he feels very good. I have been linking my hobby with my job since last year and am virtual assistant for Creative heads - And I love it!

On Instagram, you will find me under Look over there.😇

Spring decoration crafts DIY

Spring decoration tinker with children - pure joy

Do you know that? The Christmas decoration is gradually disappeared in the attic or in the basement, and quickly you want something Colorful spring into the houseHere I have a great tutorial for you, whereby the children can let out steam creatively and the design is not a border.

Paper, cardboard, wood, Pens, glue, scissors and best completely colorful - the perfect mixture of Spring decoration tinker with children!

I'm looking forward to when the birds twitter again, Mama.

So our decoration will consist of colorful birdhouses. Spring decoration tinkering with children should not take too long, Otherwise, the children have no desire any more. In this project, you do not need to worry about that, because gradually a finished, colorful birdhouse emerges, that the children's eyes are brings to rays and motivated to continue.

The material for the spring decoration
  • Kraft paper or carton
  • Colorful paper or white paper to paint
  • pencils
  • Scissor
  • Glue for paper
  • Hot glue gun
  • Colorful ice rods (about 11.5cm long)
  • Colorful matchwood sticks
  • Colorful pipe cleaner
  • Shake
  • Colorful feathers

And everything else you like that.


  • Pools (similar to an hour of an hour or parquet chopsticks)
  • Wooden glue, quickly drying
  • To force

Preparations for crafting

Sets a base to the table because we like to blob the glue that drips hot glue gun or painted beyond the target. And seeks your material together.

When everything is ready, it goes! at "Frau Sabse" In the shop I have discovered a beautiful SVG file for birdhouses and birds (birdhouses, birds, sayings and much more than SVG and STL). Both 2D and 3D.

I have opened the SVG file with the software of my hobby plotter and my plotter the birdhouses for ours Spring decoration let cut.

Preparation Spring decoration

Of course that can also be the Mr Beam who be through Air Filter II system Just as indoor is suitable, like a plotter. The cuts of plotter are similar Exactly as of the laser here I also use the folding function that makes the bend easy.

The cottages can also be cut out without further ado with the good old scissors and bend with the help of a ruler the clot tabs.

Fold spring decoration

For painting, crafting and playing later with the birdhouses I recommend thick, solid carton, or kraft paper so that the whole thing is even stable enough.

Let's go the crafting of the spring decoration

At first, you blew the cottages together, then the roof is attached. Through the input hole you get well with one to two fingers in the interior to create counter pressure when the roof is fed. We found that very practical!

stick togetherRoof bird hair

On the roof area we glued colorful ice rods, as they fit (11.5 cm long) perfectly on the roof.

For the decoration of the cottage, you simply take colorful, or painted paper and lets the children decide what they want to cut out for motives and how they do them glue the birdhouse. Maybe you would like to paint them in addition?

Spring decoration painting

Every birdhouse got another topic with us. You can also make it all similar - are creative, Spring decoration tinker with children is so easy and sooooo colorful! Here are created: a flower house, a rainbow house and a garden house. The garden house got grass of green paper and a fence made of small, colorful matches.

Tinker with children's spring decoration

A sun, white clouds with painted raindrops and a roof in rainbow colors - that's our rainbow house.

Spring decoration painting

Our flower was created from many colorful flowers with a lot of yellow, green and orange on the roof.

But what would be so beautiful, colorful birdhouses without birds?

You can easily cut out birds from paper, in the file of Mrs. Sabse you will find otherwise also birds. Or you turn - as we - colorful pipe cleaner one.I attached them to a point between body and head with hot glue.

Crafting with children

Now the bird is missing eyes, beak, wings and legs. We glowed wobble eyes and colorful feathers, beak and legs are from yellow paper developed. The birds will adhere you, for example at the front or on top of the birdhouses.

We kept a bird inside, so it looks like he's from the Birdhouse look out. To make the cottages Stable, you can attach them to wooden blocks.

Through the ice-cream sticks styles on the roofs Otherwise, like to tilt when it stops. Simply twist two blocks with wooden glue and forcing during drying.

Twist wood

Use the hot glue pistol to put three adhesive points on the wooden blocks and press the house.

The DIY spring decoration is ready

Spring decoration crafting with children is beautiful, colorful, creative and makes perfect mood! The birdhouses we use as deco on the windowsill or as well Table decorationBut they have already landed in the game room more often and were integrated with in Duplo landscapes. And every visit of Grandma and Grandpa, one was given very proud!

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Spring decoration tinker with children

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