Especially we were still browned in the sun, while Christmas is back the door. So it will not be too much time to get an Advent calendar for the little ones. Of course you can easily go and buy a boring chocolate end in the store, or you have a MR Beam at home. Then you have Infinite ways to create something own. One of them we want to you today in this felt DIY Christmas decoration Tutorial show more details.
The Customizable Advent Calendar - Preparations
Before we can start with the laser, we first need a file to the laser and a material on which we want to laser.
How mostly, we already have a design for your Christmas felt decoration Prefabricated. You will find it in the Design Store of your MR Beam by searching for "Felt Boots". You can either get started directly with it, or you personalize the whole thing a little. In the remaining files from the design gate, you will find a few templates for ornaments of the boots. You can easily laser these on your cut-out boots. But later more.
As can be seen in the title of our tutorial, we use Felt for the Christmas decoration. So it is ensured that they are still bendable after assembling, to really fill them. Also, suitable would be moss rubber or leather. Felt and leather do you find in our shop. If you buy the materials with us, you have a guarantee that the laser works!
Felt Lasern - What to Pay attention
Since the MR Beam lasers with visible light, there are not only material to material significant differences in the settings, but also between different material colors, there are different variants of the laser parameters. Especially with blue and bright materials, make sure that all parameters have to be screwed up a little. For most colors, there is of course presets in the Mr Beam software.
But should not be something that you want lasers, there is something to pay attention to felt. So, especially when engraving, you should be careful not to screw up the parameters too far, otherwise it can lead to slight burns, especially in engraved surfaces. Of course, that does not look so nice anymore. If you want to work again a little in the world of laser parameters, you will find here again Article in our Knowledge Base to.
The laser process - a fascination for itself
Now everything is clarified what you need for the laser. So stuff 'now felt together, because after all, there is an Advent calendar from 24 doors being! How big you do the respective boots, of course you are completely free. You can do that at any time in the Mr Beam software create a hair accurate. In addition, you should not forget embellishments and numbers to engrave. But pay attention to it not too far to engrave, as there later the wreath of the boot is attached. In the file, we marked the border blue, so you should not forget to engrave the blue line in the software, so you have a clue for the wreath.

Also, good to know: with just a few clicks, bottom right in your design, you can divide the shapes and order them so much more efficiently if you Several Christmas boots suddenly want to laser. This saves material and time!
Completion of the boots - Hohoho!
Finally, the boots must only be assembled. We simply use something to hot glue at the edges, who wants to make it quite detail, but can sew the boots together. With a different colorful thread, you can go to yours Christmas felt decoration to create a nice contrast!
So it's already done! 24 boots for 24 contemplative days with 24 small gifts. Parts of your finished Advent calendar result Gladly with our community under the hashtag #madewithmrbeam!