First, you should make sure that the leather can be lasered. Depending on the effect you want to create, you can cut leather or engrave leather. Engraving leather creates an embossing effect. With light leather it is stronger, with dark leather the result is more subtle. It is best if you first carry out a few tests with different types of leather. Not only the properties of the material are important, but also the settings of the laser.
In general, it can be said that it is much easier to have artificial leather lasered. When processing natural leather, there is an unpleasant odour that does not occur with imitation leather. Vegan leather is a special type of artificial leather. It is made of paper and plastic and is extremely robust. Vegan leather can even be washed in the washing machine. Lasering can cause the leather to buckle. In this case, you should reduce the power of the laser.
When lasering leather, the laser beam causes the temperature to rise. The surrounding material is not affected. If you have leather lasered, the cut edge may discolour slightly, but it is immediately sealed. Since the laser is non-contact, there are no pressure points. The laser cutter offers optimal precision and maximum economy.