Verkaufsförderung POS

Measures to promote sales at the POS

Sales promotion at the POS: How to accompany the customer at every step

In the dynamic retail environment, the point of sale (POS) , i.e. the place where the purchase is made, is a crucial arena. Here the race is won or lost. How you can shape this scene to your advantage is the art of sales promotion at the POS. But don't worry - I'm here to help you with that. Let's embark on an exciting journey together and explore how we can increase your sales through effective measures.

Immerse yourself in the world of sales promotion

Sales promotion: between innovation and intuition

Promotion is a dynamic discipline based on both creativity and scientific research. It includes a variety of tactics and strategies aimed at increasing customer demand and increasing sales of a product or service.

In the fast-paced world of commerce, an effective sales promotion strategy can help you stand out from the crowd and grab the customer's attention . It's about capturing and keeping customers interested by offering them value, relevance, and an incentive to choose your products or services. The measures can take many forms - from special offers to freebies to loyalty programs. The beauty of sales promotion is that it is effective in both physical and digital environments and adaptable to a wide range of business models and industries. Finally, successful sales promotion requires a deep understanding of the target customers and their needs, preferences and buying habits.

Why point of sale promotion is so important

create customer experiences

At a time when online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, one might think that the point of sale is becoming less important. But the opposite is the case. Customers appreciate the personal experience and the opportunity to touch and try out products. And this is exactly where sales promotion shows its strengths. It aims to improve the customer experience to ultimately drive more sales.

The relevance of the measures also lies in the fact that they can help to create an unforgettable brand experience. The store layout, the staff and the atmosphere play an important role here. A well thought out and attractively designed point of sale can promote customer loyalty and encourage the customer to come back. Additionally, effective POS promotions can lead to an increase in the average basket value by providing incentives for additional purchases or the purchase of higher value products. In this sense, sales promotion should always be seen as an integral part of the overall marketing and sales strategy.

Goals: why you do what you do

What do you want to achieve with your sales promotion at the point of sale? Probably not just more sales, right? Of course, this is at the top of the list, but there are other important goals. You also want to increase brand awareness, attract new customers and retain existing customers. Additionally, carefully orchestrated POS promotions can act as a catalyst to boost brand image and put a smile on customers' faces.

Other goals of the measures can be to increase customer satisfaction and improve customer loyalty. A satisfied clientele will be more likely to buy from you again and recommend your business. By improving customer retention, you can increase the longevity of customer relationships, increasing customer lifetime value. This is especially important in a highly competitive environment where the cost of acquiring new customers is often greater than the cost of retaining existing customers. Likewise, the sales promotion measures at the point of sale are real powerhouses when it comes to cementing loyalty to the brand and anchoring a radiantly positive connection to the brand in the minds of customers.

Checkmate at the POS: strategies for sales promotion

Sales promotion at the POS

Playing with the senses: product placement and visual merchandising

Product placement and visual merchandising are two powerful allies in your POS promotion battalion. Well thought-out product placement can increase product visibility and positively influence purchasing decisions. Visual merchandising as one of the measures aims to create an attractive shopping environment that invites customers to linger and discover.

Beyond mere aesthetics, product placement and visual merchandising is a precise application of scientific principles. Cognitive psychology provides us with a wealth of insights into how human perception reacts to patterns, contrasts and colors. In this way, we create incentives that draw customers' attention to certain products and strengthen the impulse to buy. We use perceptual patterns and contrasts to highlight novelties and best-seller placement to enhance the shopping experience.

Always one step ahead: pricing and discount campaigns

A well thought out pricing strategy can make all the difference. This is not only about calculating the right price, but also about communicating it in the right way. Measures such as discount campaigns, special offers and loyalty programs act as spotlights, putting specific products in the spotlight and offering customers an irresistible treat to buy.

The pricing and discount campaigns embody the subtle dance between economic logic and emotional desire. In doing so, we deliberately play with price elasticity, which illustrates the direct connection between price reductions and increasing demand. At the same time, we manipulate our customers' price perception using techniques such as "anchor pricing" or offering different pricing options to encourage their purchasing decisions. We always guarantee the financial sustainability of our strategies.

More than a sale: customer retention and upselling/cross-selling

The relationship with the customer does not end with the purchase . On the contrary, it's just the beginning. Effective customer retention can turn one-time buyers into loyal customers. Offering loyalty programs, personalized deals, and excellent customer service can help with that. Upselling and cross-selling act like magic levers that effectively cause the average shopping cart value to skyrocket. The aim is to offer customers higher quality products or additional products that improve their shopping experience.

The aspects of customer loyalty as well as upselling and cross-selling embody the sociological aspects of our actions. Our goal is to use these measures to give customers a feeling of appreciation and belonging. We create deep relationships with our customers through loyalty programs and personalized offers. Through targeted upselling and cross-selling, we not only increase sales, but also increase the added value for our customers.

Stronger together: Cooperation and partnerships

Cooperations and partnerships are strategic measures to develop new resources and expand our reach. By pooling resources and sharing customer base, we create synergy effects that lead to an increase in overall performance. We work hand in hand with our partners to achieve common goals and create the best possible value for our customers.

Here are some benefits of working in partnerships:


  • Pooling of resources: By cleverly pooling our resources, we open the door to more powerful and pioneering solutions.
  • Expanded customer base: By working with other companies, we can reach more potential customers and open up new markets
  • Co-branding: Partnerships allow us to capitalize on the brand awareness and reputation of our partners
  • Increased Competitiveness: Together we are able to stand up to larger competitors and grow our business
  • Knowledge Sharing: By working with partners, we learn from their experiences and can improve our own business


Let the pictures do the talking: advertising measures at the POS

In the spotlight: point-of-sale displays and posters

POS displays and posters are classic advertising media to attract attention and communicate information. They can help increase product visibility, highlight offers, and guide the customer along the path to purchase. Nothing screams "buy me" louder than a strikingly designed display. With the right mix of information, creativity and humor, such measures can set irresistible incentives to buy and increase sales by leaps and bounds.

The Power of Special Offers: Promotional offers and special offers

Special offers and promotions are proven ways to stimulate customer demand and increase sales. They can be used to boost sales of seasonal goods, leftover stocks or new products. It is important that these offers are clearly communicated and offer real added value. With clever planning and timing, such actions can generate real customer flows. After all, who doesn't love getting a great bargain and feeling like they've made a real profit?

Digitization at the POS: Use of digital media


Digitization offers a wealth of opportunities to improve the customer experience at the point of sale. Digital POS terminals, interactive displays or digital signage act as personal shopping assistants , ensure a tailor-made shopping experience, open the doors to an expanded product universe and act as helpful guides on the customer's journey through the purchasing process. Digital media extend the possibilities for customer integration and product presentation to infinity. You can offer games, quizzes or interactive product information that not only informs the customer but also entertains them.

Mr Beam Lasercutter - Engraving as a sales promotion

Engraving as a sales promotion

The personalization of products at the point of sale plays a crucial role in sales promotion. By offering the ability to customize or personalize products, companies create a unique customer experience and increase the appeal of their products. Personalization at the POS can take various forms, from engraving a name to customizing packaging or labels with the customer's logo or preferences. These personalized elements make customers feel more connected to the product and develop an emotional bond with it. This increases the likelihood of a purchase and encourages brand loyalty. In addition, personalization at the POS offers the opportunity to communicate targeted advertising messages or offers that address customer demands and can lead to impulse purchases. Overall, personalizing products at the POS helps to strengthen customer loyalty, increase sales and improve brand image.

Our transportable Mr Beam laser cutter can be an innovative tool for sales promotion at the POS. You can use it to engrave and personalize products directly at the point of sale. This not only offers an additional service for your customers, but can also improve the brand experience and strengthen customer loyalty. This creates a unique customer experience that will surely be shared on Instagram and other social media channels - free advertising included! So what are you waiting for to offer personalized products ?


Mr Beam wooden bottle opener, pack of 10

Regular price € 18,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 18,20 EUR
Offer Sold out

Mr Beam Engravable Wooden Pencils Pack of 40

Regular price € 28,37 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 28,37 EUR
Offer Sold out

Mr Beam II dreamcut [x] & Air Filter II System Bundle

Regular price € 3.862,85 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 3.862,85 EUR
Offer Sold out


Measuring, learning, optimizing: success measurement and optimization

Measure KPIs

KPIs: How to measure your success

Defining relevant KPIs is an important step in measuring the success of your sales promotions. KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators , can help you track progress towards your goals and evaluate the effectiveness of your actions. Depending on your goals, these key figures can be such as increase in sales, customer satisfaction, number of new customers or repeat purchase rates. By setting clear, measurable goals, we can track our success and celebrate when we achieve them. And who doesn't love a small (or big) success party at work?


Here are some KPIs you could use to measure your success:


  • Increase in sales: A direct measurement of the success of your sales promotion. did you sell more
  • Sales Frequency: How often do customers buy from you? Has this number increased?
  • Average Sales Value: Is the average sale increasing in value?
  • Customer Satisfaction: Are your customers happier? You could find out through surveys or feedback forms
  • Customer retention: Do customers come back more often? A good sign that your sales promotion is working
  • Conversion Rate: How many of the customers who come into your store or visit your website actually make a purchase?
  • Length of stay in store or on the website: Are your customers staying longer? This could indicate that they are more interested in your products or services
  • Participation rate in promotions or programs: Are more customers participating in your promotions or customer loyalty programs?

Each of these KPIs can give you valuable information about how effective your sales promotion strategies are. Remember to check and adjust regularly to keep optimizing your actions.

Data analysis: Your compass for optimization

data analysis

Analyzing sales data and customer feedback is critical to measuring the success of your POS promotion strategies and identifying areas for improvement. Which products sell best? Which discount campaigns are well received by customers? How do the sales figures change during the day or week? Answers to these questions can help you adjust and optimize your strategies. With this wealth of information, we can further improve the customer experience and make our products or services even more attractive. This is how we become the all-rounder for our customers - because we know exactly what they want!

Optimization: The key to lasting success

POS promotion is not a one-time process, it requires continuous adjustment and improvement. By collecting and analyzing data, testing new approaches and learning from success and failure, you can constantly improve your sales promotion strategies and increase your sales. With every adjustment and improvement, we get a little closer to our goal of providing the best possible service. And nothing gets us going like knowing we're on the right track!

Conclusion: The POS as a sales engine

In summary, POS promotion is a powerful tool to increase sales, increase customer satisfaction and improve brand awareness. With a combination of effective strategies, creative advertising measures and systematic success measurement, you can exploit the full potential of your POS. Don't forget that the focus is on the customer. It doesn't matter whether the measures are price-oriented or non-price-oriented. Offer them an outstanding shopping experience and accompany them every step of their journey from the first perception to the purchase. With this approach and the measures presented here, you are well on the way to turning "buyers" into loyal customers.

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